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PiF's Monthly Challenges Assistant | March 2025

# ▲Stars Mid-BossFinal BossMutator 1Mutator 2Mutator 3Mutator 4
My Champion
1SejuaniBreakthrough Research
Each round, the player's first Piltover & Zaun card costs 1 less to play.
[ Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Teemo, Hermerdinger ]
2TaliyahThe Price Of Progress
The player's spells cost 2 less. The player's units cost 1 more.
[ Heimerdinger ]
Only The Strong
Round End: Kill ALL units, except each player's strongest.
[ Varus, Master Yi ]
3SejuaniKai'SaButcher's Block
ALL units have "Plunder: Grant me +1/+1."
4CaitlynUse all your rerolls and buy expensive units from the shop. As many as possible, preferably 8+ mana cost.
Magic Number
When the player draw a card, set its cost to 3.
[ Elder Dragon, Volibear, Ornn, Shop + Rerolls ]
5JhinLee SinArms Race
Game Start: ALL players summon 2 Funsmiths.
[ Annie ]
The Foe's Nexus is Tough.
6SwainNautical Nuisance
Round Start: Refill ALL players' spell mana.
[ Jayce, Lux, Lillia ]
Battlefield Training
Round Start: Grant the Foe's weakest unit +1/+1.
7AsheEzrealCombat Awareness
ALL units have Scout.
[ Diana, Jax, Miss Fortune ]
Vanguard Lookout
Game Start: The Foe summons 2 Vanguard Lookouts.
8GangplankLingering Shadows
When a unit dies, grant a random unit in that player's hand +1/+1.
MIRROR MAGE: When you play a created follower, summon an exact copy. When you play a created spell, copy it with the same targets.
Trick Of The Light (Rare)
Game Start: The Foe summons a 0/8 Mirror Mage.
[ Veigar ]
9SwainFioraNatural Magic
All cards cost 2 less.
[ Master Yi, Janna, Ahri ]
Creeping Chill
Round Start: Frostbite the player's strongest unit.
10Tahm KenchSwainMerciless Marksman
Game Start: ALL players summon a Crackshot Corsair.
[ Jhin, Miss Fortune, Swain, Norra, Annie ]
Unstable Technology
Grant a random keyword to the first unit the Foe summons each round.
11IreliaDutiful Service
Each round, the player's first Demacia card costs 1 less to play.
[ Morgana, Vayne, Garen, Lux ]
Arms Race
Game Start: ALL players summon 2 Funsmiths.
[ Annie ]
Welcome To The Crew
Round Start: Give the player's strongest unit Vulnerable this round.
Strike The Set
When the Foe attacks, Stun the player's weakest unit.
12YasuoMiss FortuneFortifying Frosts
Each round, the player's first Freljord card costs 1 less to play.
[ Volibear, Ornn, Ashe, Gnar ]
2/1 Hallowed, Ephemeral unit.
Snippets Of Song
Round Start: If the Foe doesn't have the attack token, they summon a Ghastly Band.
13AzirEach round, the first time you cast a spell, refill mana equal to its cost.
Power Of Observation
Game Start: ALL players summon a Hextech Observatory.
[ Jayce, Lux ]
Suffer (Rare)
Round Start: Deal 1 to all the player's damaged units.
[ Tahm Kench, Berserker's Buckle ]
14GangplankSavage Mysticism
Round Start: Each player gets a mana gem.
[ Volibear, Elder Dragon, Ornn, Aurelion Sol ]
LANDMARK: Countdown 8: Create a Relic of Power in hand. When you target allies advance me 1.
Pilfered Provisions
Game Start: The Foe summons a Warlord's Palace. When the Foe's Warlord's Palace counts down to 0, they steal a mana gem from the player and summon a Warlord's Palace.
15LuluAzirOnly The Strong
Round End: Kill ALL units, except each player's strongest.
[ Varus, Master Yi ]
Flash Of Steel (Rare)
Round Start: Stun the player's strongest unit.
16DariusStrength Of Stone, Luminous Orb(?). Level 18 Kayn deck upgrade.
Animated Armor
ALL units have Formidable.
[ Kayn, Vi, Strength Of Stone ]
Musical Duet
When the Foe attacks, they summon an exact attacking Ephemeral copy of their weakest unit with reversed stats.
17Tahm KenchNautical Nuisance
Round Start: Refill ALL players' spell mana.
[ Jayce, Lux, Lillia ]
Round Start: Grant the Foe's units +0/+1.
18Lee SinDariusStrength Of Stone, Luminous Orb(?). Level 18 Kayn deck upgrade.
Animated Armor
ALL units have Formidable.
[ Kayn, Vi, Strength Of Stone ]
Hardfought Heist
Round Start: The Foe has a 50% change to create a Lucky Find in hand. The Player has a 25% chance.
19ZedJinxCelestial Guidance
Each round, the player's first Targon card costs 1 less to play.
[ Diana, Leona, Morgana, Yuumi ]
Remove The Imperfection
When the Foe summons a unit, Recall one of the player's followers with less Power than it.
[ Ahri ]
20SwainMerciless Marksman
Game Start: ALL players summon a Crackshot Corsair.
[ Jhin, Miss Fortune, Swain, Norra, Annie ]
A Little Off The Top
Round Start: Give the Foe's strongest unit +1/+0 this round for each card in the player's hand.
21JinxAzirTahm Kench probably good here?
En Garde!
Round Start: Create a Fleeting Single Combat in ALL players' hands.
[ Garen, Nasus, Taliyah ]
Blind Rage
The player's units with 4+ Power Can't Block.
22SwainPoppyBreakthrough Research
Each round, the player's first Piltover & Zaun card costs 1 less to play.
[ Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Teemo, Hermerdinger ]
Monkey Munitions
When the Foe attacks, they summon a Flame Chompers! Challenging the player's strongest unit.
23FizzTranquil Minds
Each round, the player's first Ionia card costs 1 less to play.
[ Yasuo, Ahri, Lillia, Sett ]
On The Case (Common)
The Foe's units have: Nexus Strike: Plants 1 Flashbomb Trap randomly in the top 8 cards of the player's deck.
24Miss FortuneAzirNo Looking Back
While the player has no cards in hand, their units have +2/+2.
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Take Flight
When the Foe gets the attack token, they summon a Fleetfeather Tracker
25CaitlynSalty Dogs
Each round, the player's first Bilgewater card costs 1 less to play.
[ Miss Fortune, Illaoi, Pyke ]
LANDMARK: When allies attack, summon an attacking LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator Sand Soldier.
Seat Of Power
Game Start: The Foe summons an Emperor's Dais.
26PoppyDravenDutiful Service
Each round, the player's first Demacia card costs 1 less to play.
[ Morgana, Vayne, Garen, Lux ]
Hardy Feast
The Foe's units have Tough.
27FizzAzirNautical Nuisance
Round Start: Refill ALL players' spell mana.
[ Jayce, Lux, Lillia ]
Noxian Entertainment
Game Start: The Foe summons a Noxkraya Arena.
28GangplankFizzPick a cheap agressive support champion (Zed, etc)
Unstoppable Force
Allies have +3/+3, Overwhelm and Can't Block.
[ Darius, Elise ]
Enlightened Knowledge
Round Start: Heal the Foe's Nexus 3.
29LuluLee SinLux: Illuminated good here? Nami champ spell kinda scuffed, also Minimorph useless.
Vestige Of Helia
ALL spells cost 1 less, ALL units have SpellShield.
[ Master Yi, Varus, Lux: Illuminated, Nami ]
Flexible Gameplan
Game Start: The Foe draws 2.
30JinxTranquil Minds
Each round, the player's first Ionia card costs 1 less to play.
[ Yasuo, Ahri, Lillia, Sett ]
Chilling Prophecy
Game Start: The Foe summons a Frozen Thrall. Set its Countdown to 5.
Game Start: The player starts with 2 extra mana gems, but doesn't get more at Round Start.
Good 'ol Tryndamere power. Unit order when attacking/defensing matters here, make sure you place them correctly.
Undying Rage
Each round, the first time the Foe's unit would die, grant them Tough, Overwhelm and Fearsome instead.
32ZoeDariusTrick Of The Light (Common)
Game Start: ALL players summon a Mirror Mage.
[ Veigar, Annie, Jinx, Nami, Ahri ]
Legendary Power
Power Overwhelming
Round End: Grant the Foe's units +1|+1.
33Tahm KenchThreshDutiful Service
Each round, the player's first Demacia card costs 1 less to play.
[ Morgana, Vayne, Garen, Lux ]
Blade In The Darkness (Epic)
Round End: If the player's Nexus took damage this round, the Foe's strongest unit strikes it.
[ Miss Fortune ]
34FioraCaitlynNatural Magic
All cards cost 2 less.
[ Master Yi, Janna, Ahri ]
Fast / aggro champions are good here because you want to end this before the foe starts summoning the big turrets for free.
Iterative Enhancements
Round Start: The Foe summons the next Turret.
35ZedLee SinUnnatural Selection
The player's units have Evolve.
[ Evelynn, Bard ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Remove The Imperfection
When the Foe summons a unit, Recall one of the player's followers with less Power than it.
[ Ahri ]
Each round, the player's first Shurima card costs 1 less to play.
[ Nidalee, Kai'sa , Taliyah ]
Fan Favorite
Round Start: Give the Foe's strongest unit +2/+0 and Overwhelm this round.
37NautilusThe Berserker's Buckle relic is great on any champion here. Just make sure the champion has more than 2 hp.
Frenzied Fighting
The player's units have +2/+2. Round End: Deal 2 to all the player's units.
[ Tahm Kench, Relics (info) ]
Berserker's Buckle x2 + tough relic
Rock Too Hard
Round Start: Deal 1 to all the player's units.
[ Tahm Kench, Jinx, Yuumi, Relics ]
38ViegoCelestial Guidance
Each round, the player's first Targon card costs 1 less to play.
[ Diana, Leona, Morgana, Yuumi ]
Lil' Buddies
Round Start: The Foe summons a random 1 cost Poro.
39ViktorUnnatural Selection
The player's units have Evolve.
[ Evelynn, Bard ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Lil' Buddies
Round Start: The Foe summons a random 1 cost Poro.
40ViktorFizzUse all your rerolls and buy expensive units from the shop. As many as possible, preferably 8+ mana cost.
Magic Number
When the player draw a card, set its cost to 3.
[ Elder Dragon, Volibear, Ornn, Shop + Rerolls ]
Nature's Revenge
When the Foe gains the attack token, they summon a Sapling.
41GangplankArcane Emissions
Game Start: ALL players start with 3 spell mana.
[ Heimerdinger, Lux ]
Beyond Mere Flesh
The Foe's units have +1/+1 for each of their keywords.
42CaitlynLuluCombat Awareness
ALL units have Scout.
[ Diana, Jax, Miss Fortune ]
Prophet Of An Elder God II
When the Foe attacks, Spawn 3.
43FioraUnflinching Strength
Each round, the player's first Noxus card costs 1 less to play.
[ LeBlanc, Swain, Elise, Darius, Samira ]
Berserker's Buckle x2 + tough relic
Rock Too Hard
Round Start: Deal 1 to all the player's units.
[ Tahm Kench, Jinx, Yuumi, Relics ]
44ViegoUse all your rerolls and buy expensive units from the shop. As many as possible, preferably 8+ mana cost.
Magic Number
When the player draw a card, set its cost to 3.
[ Elder Dragon, Volibear, Ornn, Shop + Rerolls ]
Full build / tough relic + 2x berserker buckle cheap champs. (Teemo). [VEIGAR + Tough Relic + Duplicator + Berserker's Buckle OP COMBO]
Small Stuff
When the player summons a unit, set it to 1/1.
[ Yuumi, Veigar, Jinx, Master Yi, Relic ]
45Kai'SaMiss FortuneSalty Dogs
Each round, the player's first Bilgewater card costs 1 less to play.
[ Miss Fortune, Illaoi, Pyke ]
Berserker's Buckle x2 + tough relic
Rock Too Hard
Round Start: Deal 1 to all the player's units.
[ Tahm Kench, Jinx, Yuumi, Relics ]
46LuluSwainNo Looking Back
While the player has no cards in hand, their units have +2/+2.
Berserker's Buckle x2 + tough relic
Rock Too Hard
Round Start: Deal 1 to all the player's units.
[ Tahm Kench, Jinx, Yuumi, Relics ]
47ThreshStalker's Blade x3 is insanely good here. Any champion that can use STRIKE relics or Scout is great here.
Forest Workout
ALL units have "Strike: Double my Power."
[ Lillia, Diana, Nidalee, Relics (info) ]
Legendary Power
Power Overwhelming
Round End: Grant the Foe's units +1|+1.
48DariusButcher's Block
ALL units have "Plunder: Grant me +1/+1."
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Hemorrhage (Epic)
Round Start: Deal 1 to the player's Nexus for each unit the Foe has.
Full build / tough relic + 2x berserker buckle cheap champs. (Teemo). [VEIGAR + Tough Relic + Duplicator + Berserker's Buckle OP COMBO]
Small Stuff
When the player summons a unit, set it to 1/1.
[ Yuumi, Veigar, Jinx, Master Yi, Relic ]
49ViegoNautilusTahm Kench probably good here?
En Garde!
Round Start: Create a Fleeting Single Combat in ALL players' hands.
[ Garen, Nasus, Taliyah ]
Legendary Power
Power Overwhelming
Round End: Grant the Foe's units +1|+1.
50YasuoThe Berserker's Buckle relic is great on any champion here. Just make sure the champion has more than 2 hp.
Frenzied Fighting
The player's units have +2/+2. Round End: Deal 2 to all the player's units.
[ Tahm Kench, Relics (info) ]
Prophet Of An Elder God II
When the Foe attacks, Spawn 3.
51Lee SinKai'SaEach round, the first time you cast a spell, refill mana equal to its cost.
Power Of Observation
Game Start: ALL players summon a Hextech Observatory.
[ Jayce, Lux ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Hemorrhage (Epic)
Round Start: Deal 1 to the player's Nexus for each unit the Foe has.
Chorus Of Power
Round Start: The Foe gets an extra mana gem this round for each unit they have.
52IreliaLingering Shadows
When a unit dies, grant a random unit in that player's hand +1/+1.
Beyond Mere Flesh
The Foe's units have +1/+1 for each of their keywords.
53Tahm KenchGangplankCelestial Guidance
Each round, the player's first Targon card costs 1 less to play.
[ Diana, Leona, Morgana, Yuumi ]
Fan Favorite
Round Start: Give the Foe's strongest unit +2/+0 and Overwhelm this round.
54CaitlynLANDMARK: Round Start: Create a follower from a New Runeterra region region in hand. Win the game if I've seen allies from 10 regions.
Bandle Magic
Game Start: The player summons a The Bandle Tree.
[ Norra ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Fan Favorite
Round Start: Give the Foe's strongest unit +2/+0 and Overwhelm this round.
55FizzGuided Meditation
Game Start: ALL players start with 10 mana gems.
[ Volibear ]
Lil' Buddies
Round Start: The Foe summons a random 1 cost Poro.
When ANY player plays a spell, they copy it with the same targets.
[ Veigar, Master Yi, Nami ]
Remove The Imperfection
When the Foe summons a unit, Recall one of the player's followers with less Power than it.
[ Ahri ]
57ViktorKai'SaWailing Spirits
Each round, the player's first Shadow Isles card costs 1 less to play.
[ Viego, Gwen, Thresh, Elise, Veigar ]
Good 'ol Tryndamere power. Unit order when attacking/defensing matters here, make sure you place them correctly.
Undying Rage
Each round, the first time the Foe's unit would die, grant them Tough, Overwhelm and Fearsome instead.
Legendary Power
Power Overwhelming
Round End: Grant the Foe's units +1|+1.
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
58ViegoAzirTranquil Minds
Each round, the player's first Ionia card costs 1 less to play.
[ Yasuo, Ahri, Lillia, Sett ]
Suffer (Epic)
Round Start: Deal 3 to all the player's damaged units.
59DariusMiss FortunePHANTOM PRANKSTER: When another ally dies, deal 1 to the enemy LoR Blue NexusLoR Red Nexus Nexus.
Dying Laughing
Game Start: ALL players summon a 0/10 Phantom Prankster.
[ Thresh, Gwen, Swain, Viego ]
Fast / aggro champions are good here because you want to end this before the foe starts summoning the big turrets for free.
Iterative Enhancements
Round Start: The Foe summons the next Turret.
60NautilusUse all your rerolls and buy expensive units from the shop. As many as possible, preferably 8+ mana cost.
Magic Number
When the player draw a card, set its cost to 3.
[ Elder Dragon, Volibear, Ornn, Shop + Rerolls ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Nature's Revenge
When the Foe gains the attack token, they summon a Sapling.
LANDMARK: When an ally is summoned, give it +1|+1 and Keyword Challenger Challenger this round.
Enemies Of Demacia Will Fall
Game Start: The Foe summons The Grand Plaza.
61DariusEzrealGuided Meditation
Game Start: ALL players start with 10 mana gems.
[ Volibear ]
Blade In The Darkness (Epic)
Round End: If the player's Nexus took damage this round, the Foe's strongest unit strikes it.
[ Miss Fortune ]
62CaitlynMortal Marks
When ANY player summons a unit, set its health to 1.
[ Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Jinx, Jack ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Lil' Buddies
Round Start: The Foe summons a random 1 cost Poro.
63Tahm KenchPHANTOM PRANKSTER: When another ally dies, deal 1 to the enemy LoR Blue NexusLoR Red Nexus Nexus.
Dying Laughing
Game Start: ALL players summon a 0/10 Phantom Prankster.
[ Thresh, Gwen, Swain, Viego ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Noxian Might II
64ViegoMortal Marks
When ANY player summons a unit, set its health to 1.
[ Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Jinx, Jack ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Demacian Might II
When one of the Foe's units strikes, grant it +2/+2.
[ Jhin, Lillia, Ashe ]
65GangplankNautilusCrafty Portals
Each round, the player's first Bandle City card costs 1 less to play.
[ Yuumi, Veigar, Vex, Norra, Teemo ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Berserker's Buckle x2 + tough relic
Rock Too Hard
Round Start: Deal 1 to all the player's units.
[ Tahm Kench, Jinx, Yuumi, Relics ]
66FizzThe Berserker's Buckle relic is great on any champion here. Just make sure the champion has more than 2 hp.
Frenzied Fighting
The player's units have +2/+2. Round End: Deal 2 to all the player's units.
[ Tahm Kench, Relics (info) ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Chorus Of Power
Round Start: The Foe gets an extra mana gem this round for each unit they have.
Round Start: Grant the Foe's units +0/+1.
67Lee SinViegoPHANTOM PRANKSTER: When another ally dies, deal 1 to the enemy LoR Blue NexusLoR Red Nexus Nexus.
Dying Laughing
Game Start: ALL players summon a 0/10 Phantom Prankster.
[ Thresh, Gwen, Swain, Viego ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Calling For Aid
At the start of round 7, the Foe summons a random level 2 champion.
68YasuoZedButcher's Block
ALL units have "Plunder: Grant me +1/+1."
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Berserker's Buckle x2 + tough relic
Rock Too Hard
Round Start: Deal 1 to all the player's units.
[ Tahm Kench, Jinx, Yuumi, Relics ]
Game Start: The player starts with 2 extra mana gems, but doesn't get more at Round Start.
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Game Start: The Foe gets a mana gem.
Nature's Revenge
When the Foe gains the attack token, they summon a Sapling.
70ViegoThe Price Of Progress
The player's spells cost 2 less. The player's units cost 1 more.
[ Heimerdinger ]
Vicious Enemy
+10 Nexus health, +1 starting mana, +1 starting hand size.
Game Start: The Foe gets a mana gem.
Nature's Revenge
When the Foe gains the attack token, they summon a Sapling.